لا توجد نتائج مطابقة لـ State of Palestine

سؤال وجواب
ترجمة نصوص
أضف الترجمة

ترجم فرنسي عربي State of Palestine

نتائج ذات صلة

  • Voir les documents ci-après: Ministère de l'économie, de l'industrie et du commerce de l'Autorité palestinienne (2003), «Creating an economically viable Palestinian State: Strategy for Palestinian compatibility with the multi-lateral trading system»; Ministère de l'économie nationale de la l'Autorité palestinienne (janvier 2004), «Institutional framework − Palestinian national strategy for economic development: Creating economically viable state of Palestine»; et Ministère de l'économie nationale de l'Autorité palestinienne (novembre 2004), «Export economic recovery through export development».
    وقد عبَّر بعض وثائق سياسات السلطة الفلسطينية عن هذا المنحى من التفكير؛ انظر:PA Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade (2003), "Creating an economically viable Palestinian State: Strategy for Palestinian compatibility with the multi-lateral trading system"; PA Ministry of National Economy (MNE) (January 2004), "Institutional framework - Palestinian national strategy for economic development: Creating economically viable state of Palestine"; and PA MNE (November 2004), "Export economic recovery through export development".